QuicKeys Demo: Resize and Move Windows

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The above demo is based on an application called MercuryMover, which allows you to resize and move windows on your desktop using assigned hot keys.
Since I have two monitors, I developed a set of QuicKeys shortcuts that move the front most window of an application, usually Safari, to different parts of my second monitor. As you can see, one of the shortcuts moves the window to the button-left of the second monitor. Another one moves a window to the upper right; a third one moves a window front and center. The last shortcut resizes and puts all open Safari windows side-by-side in horizontal position. There used to be an application called StickyWindows that did this perfectly, but since the Snow Leopard Update, StickyWindows hasn’t been updated.
I put my window shortcuts in a QuicKeys toolbar (and borrowed the arrow button icons from MercuryMover) because I didn’t want to hassle with hot keys, which are of course, an option in QuicKeys automations.
MercuryMover probably does even more than what I’ve developed in these shortcuts, but for now what I have is sufficient, and it will help me deal with the constant problem of crowded desktops.

QuicKeys Demo: Automatically Hide Other Apps

When I start working in some applications, I don’t want to be distracted by other open windows on my desktop. So for example, I set up a QuicKeys macro that automatically hides all other apps when XCode is brought to the front. It is just one less click that I have to make.

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Here’s the QuicKeys setup. It requires only one step.