How to Automatically Open an Application On a Second Monitor

1. Create a new macro, and select Trigger by application. Choose the application you want to open on the second monitor.

Keyboard Maestro Editor

2. Click on the “Interface Control” folder. Add “Manipulate a Window” to macro.

Open Actions Library

3. Click on the “Scale size by” drop-down and select any of the preset sizes under “Move and Resize”

Select a Custom Preset Size

4. Click on “Move and Resize” and select “Center at”.

Choose Center at

5. Change the coordinates in the two fields to the following.

Change the Cordinates

Test your macro to see if it works. The application window should move to the center of the second monitor, when it’s activated.

4 comments on “How to Automatically Open an Application On a Second Monitor

  1. Where can one find the specifications for the SCREEN function? For example, I see that SCREEN(Main,Left) is valid, but not SCREEN(Main,Center). I searched the documentation and couldn’t even find “SCREEN”.

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